Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Ever Abounding Feast

Ephesians 1:18-21


Paul tells the Ephesians that his prayer for them is that they would know the fullness of the hope they have in Christ, and the fullness of the power of God which was demonstrated in that he conquered all powers as he raised Christ from the dead and exalted him above all.

So What?

God is so much more than we can ever fathom, or experience. The depths of His love, His power and majesty, and the inheritance he has in store for us exceed all we can imagine.

What Now?

At moments I feel as if I somehow have God figured out, or a sense of pride that I have a good basic understanding of the scriptures, and our Faith, and so there is limited purpose for me in getting into the Word and growing. Then I read a passage like this, and at moments just catch a bit more of a glimpse of our God and I know that I will never plumb the depths. This is exciting yet it is also scary because I know that it will require sacrifices. The sacrifices that really scare me come in terms of my standard of living. I hold onto dreams of wanting more and I recognize that I need to constantly reorder my priorities and make changes to know more of God. When I sit and meditate on this passage I recognize the foolishness of my concerns, and I am excited at the possibilities. Praise our Might God!

1 comment:

jerlight said...

Sometimes, when someone preaches a passage of Scripture, I am so arrogant that I assume that I know everything there is to know about that passage - as if God would no longer reveal himself to me from there! I'm an idiot! That is only the thought of someone who is sitting with his eyes closed: I need Paul to pray that my eyes would be enlightened to know the riches of God's glorious inheritance and mighty power.
To think: the power that raised Christ from the dead is available to me.