Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Radical Reprogramming Required

Ephesians 5:1-7

As I completed Ch. 4 and got into this passage it was great timing to have the "journey to the cross" fit in there. I am constantly overwhelmed at how different the life of Christ was from our human conventions. In the work world I am tempted to be more brash, to be boastful, to make a joke that will win over "the guys" or whatever the occasion seems it would demand. Yet, Christ didn't do this. It is hard to be humble without feeling like your weak. It is hard to be loving when you are busy, and simply want things to just get done and you feel like you don't have time to be kind. It is hard to express God's love when stress and busyness seem to overwhelm. I reflect back on Christ's humility, self control, and gentleness and recognize a life that is radically different from what we are accustomed to. The Christ that is now seated above all powers, and thrones to judge all of creation chose to constrain himself for our sake that His Father might be glorified in restoring His chosen ones to Himself. I recognize these are not new thoughts yet at Easter these truths particularly strikes me. Ephesians sets it up wonderfully as Paul opens with what Christ has done for us, and then sets out the behaviours that reflect those truths. The gospels lay out what these behaviours looked like here on earth as lived by the One without sin. I am just engrossed in the vast difference right now. It is humbling to see how far I fall short, and exciting to see and know that God is changing me and will continue to.

1 comment:

jerlight said...

So what does strong humility look like? In Jesus' case it was a willingness to be taken advantage of but never swerving from his agenda of revealing God and saving the world. I think our movie directors and painters have done a disservice: in attempting to capture the humility of Christ they have made him look weak and even effeminate. I think Tolkien captured him best in Gandalf and Strider - ancient but not aged, humble and quiet but not weak.